HELLO THERE. Yes, i'm back u.u well, actually i'm home for a week, but i had lot of things to do, like birthday party (mine, yes u.u my bday was 1st September u.u), "goodbye" party for a friend who left for erasmus and.. i'm back to library to study ;-; i have two exams and i don't know how to pass them LOL. Plus, i had a I-don'-wanna-play-TS3-fase. I didn't opened the game yet since i came back, but i'm starting to feel the want to play again :) ANYWAY, i already had enough pics for the first second generation's update, so.. here we are! Under the cut ;)
Warning: Language, Adult Theme and cats that will rule our world.
In the preview episode: Tara's got a genius lamp, so the Herondale became rich. They now live in
Buttercup Cottage made by
Lemonjelly. Austin grew up, he found the love of his life, Marlene, thanks to the Wishing Well, they married and they left the house. Kim gave birth to the little Lila. Dakota had her prom, then she became an YA.
Those are the goals for the second generations!
Second Chance: Dakota must marry someone, and then broke up with him or he has to die. Then, she must find someone else.
Generation Goal: Dakota has to buy parts of at least 3 rabbit holes in town.
Misc Fun: No stranger meaning no maid, no repairer, no babysitter, no pizza-man, ecc.
Nina: Hey there.
In the last update she grew up but i hadn't take a picture of her, so.. here she is!
It’s graduation day for Dakota!
Dakota: I’m so excited!
Yeah, i can tell…
As her brother, she’s been voted as more likely to never leave the house. In this case, they might be right xD
Tara: Congratulation, sweetheart! We’re so proud of you.
Dakota: Aww, thank you mom!
Spencer got his diploma too, and Dakota waited outside the city hall for him.
Spencer: Dakota!
Dakota: Hey Spence! Congratulation, baby!
Spencer: You too!
Dakota: Would you like to come over and have lunch with me?
Spencer: Yeah, absolutely!
Dakota: This is a little present for you.
Spencer: Love, you shouldn’t have, thank you! But.. i’ve nothing for you.
Dakota: Well, I have something in mind. What about staying here? I mean, moving in. Like, forever.
You surely have guts.
Of course he said yes u.u
Wait.. Spencer, dear, what happend to your wardrobe?
Much better u.u
Presentation! His traits are Coward, Artistic, Good, Equestrian and Schmoozer. His favourites are R&B, Fried Peanut Butter&Banana and the colour Lime. Spencer's LTW is to be a Home Design Hotshot.. so sorry you have to be a writer.
Aaaand this is their bedroom :3
Dakota: I love the fact that we now have our room..
Spencer: I love it, too. What about try the new bed?
Dakota: You dirty.. absolutely yes!
And yeah.. they had some fun!
Look who's back from the dead! Hello Ginger ♥
Breakfast moment for the lovebirds :3
Since Spencer has to be a writer, so he’s improving his skill.
Dakota.. well, she’s obviously cleaning the house, since they can't have a maid ( T.T )
LOL. Kim, what are you doing? xD
Kim: Uhm.. Being cute?
You're doing it right ♥
Dakota: Hello? Hi, i’m Dakota Herondale. I’m calling to cancel the paper service. I don’t have any problem, i just don’t want weird kids around my house! Do you mind, sir? Thanks and goodbye.
Awww, Alice came to say hi to Tara **
Dakota’s taking an ice-cream..
..but then she decided that she wanted to eat it at the park, so she travel around Lucky Palms just to find the perfect place. I don’t know how the ice cream could still be intact. Anyway, she’s so cute ♥
Awwww, Austin is going to be dad *________*
Relax time in the Jacuzzi :3
Spencer: Now that we tried the bed, we should give a shot to the jacuzzi.
Anyway, she obviously agreed.
I don’t think this pic needs an explonation.
And just so you know.. i heard the lullaby ♥
That’s what happen playing in the Jacuzzi.
Dakota decided to go visit her brother!
Dakota:(..) so he moved in and now we live together!
Austin: ..With mom and dad? Awkward.
Dakota: Well.. yeah, not so much.
Marlene: Excuse me, you two? I can't see my favourite drama show. Get out!
Okay, move on. Who's this cute little girl?! Of course she's Austin and Marlene's daughter *___* she's totally her father, i can see it. Her name is Catherine.. i think.. i'm not sure. Hey, don't give me that look D: I've been away for two weeks and i forgot to write it down D:
Anyway, she's adorable and Dakota already loves her ♥
Oh, c'mon you two! You have to stop to make woohoo everywhere at anytime!
Spencer: Sweet Jesus!
What did you expect in making woohoo in a photobooth? -.-
This is totally pointless. Everybody saw you, am i right guys out there reading the update? u.u
That evening, Dakota and Spencer went out to a disco :D
Dakota: Spence, could you get me a drink, please?
Spencer: Sure, honey!
Spencer is ordering a very strong cocktail, but..
Dakota: Uh-oh.. maybe i should not drink.
Le pop ♥
Dakota: Let's talk about it later.
Once they’re home..
Dakota: Spencer, i’ve something to tell you.. i’m pregnant.
Spencer: WHATTHELLDOIYBD?! This is great!
Dakota: Yes! We’re going to be a family ♥
Dakota: You know mom, i hope you’re ready to be grandma again, ‘cause i’m totally pregnant.
Tara: Sweet Jesus, it’s amazing sweetie!
Tara: You heard that, Kim? There’ll be a little boy or girl around the house!
Kim: My life is ruined.
Spencer: I can’t wait to see the baby!
Dakota: Yeah, me too. Spence, there’s something i need to ask you. I know we never talk about that-
Spencer: Dakota, what are you doing?!
Dakota: let me finish! I don’t wanna wait for the baby to be born.. Spencer Shaw, do you wanna marry me?
Spencer: Holy Simoly.. yes, i wanna marry you!
The quickest (i don't know if the word does exist, but i like it u.u) marriage ever.
Someone is growing old!
Awww Nathan, you’re still adorable ♥
Nathan completed the Generation Goal (Perfectionist).
Kim: They will never find me.
Sure thing, sweetie.
Look at that belly *O*
Dakota: Well, someone here is definitely getting bigger.
You can say that. You’re going to explode D:
Dakota: Excuse me?
Sorry. Just joking!
Anyway, since Dakota is about the size of a walrus, she can’t do anything but read books and take pictures.
Dakota: Hey Marl! I head you’re expecting again! Probabily we’ll have our babies in the same period!
Yep, Marlene is pregnant again, so Austin is gonna be dad for the second time **
Kim: *Prrr* Friskies ♥
And while Dakota and Spencer are going to the hospital, Nathan got a joke-mood.
Tara: AAAH! Oh my goodness.
Poor Tara xD
And after some panic and a lot of pain for Dakota.. there’s a new member!
It’s a boy and his name is Caleb :3
He’s a Slob Genius who loves French Music, Fruit Parfait and the colour Purple. He’s a Taurus.
Caleb's room.
Dakota: We're married and we have the most beautiful kid in the world.
Spencer: Yeah.. i love you, sweetie.
Caleb is really loved ♥
But the time passes by and it's time to become a toddler!
Caleb on the potty. Zoom on his face and..
He's one of the cutest toddler ever ;_; even if i'm afraid he took everything from his mother XD
And this is how the first chapter ends!
I hope you liked it :3
See you soon guys, thank for reading ♥