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Mar 25, 2005 23:23

peeweesbaby's Untitled

Created by peeweesbaby and taken 82 times on bzoink!
who was the last personu had a fight withmom just a little oneyou huggedsteffu kissedRyan or my momu made fun ofJohnsonimedJohnsonu thought ofRyantalked todadu watched a movie withSteffu laughed withRoss/Dave/Johnson/Craigu went sumwhere withthose guys at Daves'u talked to onthe phoneAshleythat made u crydon't rememberu wanted deadhaha don't rememberu drove withmomthis or thatcaught or sneezesneezecry or laughlaughmom or dadbothkiss or hugkissrain or sunsunpool or lakepoolcountry or citycitytruck or carcaru.s or europeUSocean or seaoceanchina or japanjapanschool or workworkdog or catdogcomputer or laptopcomputerbook or magazinemagazinephone or imphoneclothes or noneclothesgrass or dirtgrassvideo or dvddvdcomputer game or video gamevideo gamesummer or wintersummerwut do u think ofjohnshearerpeterpiperbiancathe chick from that one movieandypetersonjimmygallagherstevewadbylaurenvarneychrisitnerectorboboneillpierresome french dudelouiseand thelmapatheltmattbonefeld *brother :)*robbobbyalexdrosenstephanierector spelled wronglindsaysomething that rhymes with thatwho isthe craziestall of usthe story tellerhaha jackie triesthe gross 1jackie?the pretty 1all!the most immaturehaha we all arethe smartestthey're all smart in their own waythe funiestashleythe stupidestthats meanmost likly to sucseedthey all willmost likly to find ina box sum wherejackiemost likly to be in jailashleythe druggieashleythe prepkimthe 1 who doesnt quite fit inmethe hottestme haah jkthe meanestnonethe ghettoestAshley!have you everdanced in the rainoh yesworn no underwearyeahgotten drunkyepshopliftedonce when I was really littleran awayattempted to once when I was littlehit ur parentsyeahstolen a carnopegotten ur nails doneyesdyed ur hairyesgotten sumthin waxednopeplucked off half ur eyebrown by accidenthaha nostayed up all night andstill managed to go to schoolnohad a crazyyy partayya little one been drunk in publicdepends what "public" ischeatedyeaheatin a bugI think?gone to a diff countryyes :)gone on a cruisenopestuck gum all over a wallnocut ur selfnot on purposesnuck outyeahbely dancedattempted topeed in the woodshaha omg yescried about nuthinyeahcried about a friendyeahwatched tv the whole dayyeahstalked sum1nopehad more than 1 bfs/gfs at 1 timenonot showerd in a weekbeen close to itpicked ur noseof courseskipped schoolhaha yes
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