its like were standing in the same room together..but not talking.
I spent $200 on a dress and boots. Merry christmas to me!
haha after the week I've had, I dont feel too bad about buying that.
Been working till midnight just about every day.
But for my sanity I'm taking 2 weeks off where I'm going to sleep in, sit on my butt, and hang out with some cool people.
I SCREWED myself over for school this semester.
I wish I would've never signed up at all, that would look better than flunking.
Even if I get 100% on my finals I'm still going to get a D in 2 of my classes.
That will look good on all my applications for the future.
COLLEGE FAILURE -> Laura Kasik. Accept me!
I should really go study..but mm I think I'll go to bed. Sound good? yup. good choice
|my favorite xmas photo|