Freedom of Speech

Mar 27, 2012 11:51

I was watching the Daily Show wherein John Stewart commented on the current Rush Limbaugh incident. In the segment, Stewart showed a clip of Fox News saying that vitriolic Democrats hide behind 'the helmet of comedy (?)' with the likes of Bill Maher and his ilk. FoxNews then contended (contradicting themselves, perhaps) that Rush was just being an entertainer. Stewart ripped them a new one, pointing out that comedians willingly suffer repercussions for their opinions. Comedians accept and expect public backlash, but it won’t stop them. Stewart also pointed out that Rush is a newscaster not a comedian. Either way, Stewart concludes, "I'm not saying that speech should be policed, censored or boycotted or that people don't have a right to say crazy things. I even believe that speech should be much freer."

Stewart's comments got me thinking. Yes, it’s very idealistic and democratic to want to open the ‘dialogue,’ to make sure everyone has their voice and be open to opinions and statements that you don’t like. I want to get behind this idealistic truth--to rally and support it and wave a witty, hand-painted sign proclaiming it.

But I simply can’t. I've recently observed that when people (I use this term vaguely and collectively) are gifted with the freedom of speech-when they are given their own soapbox and megaphone--well, they tend to merely spew ugly, vile, hateful things. The more public their forum, the more anonymity they are afforded, the uglier it gets.

After hearing Rush vomit forth hate from his wobby jowls, after reading internet comments, sometimes I’d rather wish these modern-day orators were restricted. Why do people behave thusly? Why, when given the chance to be heard, especially in an anonymous manner, why does the worst come out? Instead of making the case for their opinion, modern-day debates merely take a shit on the opposition. Women are whores and sluts. Men are adult-babies who won't grow up. Obama's the devil. Democrats are commies and Republicans are Bible-Thumper extremists.

In this era of unlimited voice (lookie here at me speaking through my own, free print platform), why can’t modern day participants have discussion and debate in a civilized manner?

In my rose-colored, nostalgia-ridden mind, during those years when this country was being forged and so much--too much--was on the line, our forefathers expressed their diametrically opposing beliefs in an intelligent, clear, compelling and lyrical manner. Their public discussion, addressing two clear-cut Black and White schools of thought (Do we fight for our independence or stay loyal to the king?), dealt with life-altering choices, and yet their debate remained  compelling and clean. Driven, yet flexible. They, in the most impassioned manner, shouted their opinions, trying to win listeners and their favor. They mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">stimulated debate, yet were still willing to listen to the ‘other side’ and be accepting of new ways of thinking.

More importantly, their debate and dialogues remained civil.

Where is modern civility?

Why, where would be today if Patrick Henry pronounced the Federalists a bunch of slutty whores?
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