Seas Resound.

Jul 16, 2011 22:01

This time, 8 years ago, i was saying goodbye to all my family and friends in MA. I enlisted for the US Air Force in March 2003 and My Start date was August 5th, 2003, A Day i will NEVER forget for the rest of my life. i was 18 and thought i knew what i was getting myself into. It wasn't until i was on the plane heading to San Antonio, TX that i thought "Holy Crap, I'm in the Air Force." hahaha. Well, It was different. At this point, I had never lived anywhere else but with my parents. I had never left the East Coast. And it wasn't just Texas, i met people from all over the US and even the world. I made great friendships (some of them might even be reading this, too) I think the hardest part at firts was not the physical training or even the TI's screaming in my face. (STICKNEY!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!) The hardest part was reading the letters from people at home and knowing they missed me. They were missing just me, but i was missing all of them.Every Sunday, we had the option to practice our chosen religious faith. I am protestant, and i did go to church. I am being 100% serious, i had never looked forward to a Sunday so much in my entire life. But there was one song in particular that stood out to me. For years, i could not remember the name of it, but i accidently found it recently. It means alot to me, and reminds me of this time. i do have some memories of 2003/2004 i wanna forget, but this makes me this of the good ones and the amazing people i met that i will never forget.

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2003, the past

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