One night does not define my life

Jan 06, 2002 14:02

If one night could become your life and you could have it play over and over again forever, making you feel so great...what night would you pick?
Maybe there are too many nights to choose from, different people make you feel so much emotion, none matching the other.

Life isn't so glamourous for me really.
One night can mean so much to me while other nights i am easily blown off.

Feeling like you are part of somthing, having a place feels good. Then once you go home, and expect to wake up the next day feeling right in place, that piece is missing again. You're happiness has been stopped, and you relize it only remained for that night. Not to be filled again until you stumble upon it once more.

You can never predict when happiness will find you- or when it will slip through your fingers. But maybe you can find happiness in everything, but you're just not opening up enough to relize that it is there.

I am not un-happy, just confused really. Well not confused at all, just wondering if getting caught up in being a teenager and enjoying myself, and the things that arent so important is really worth it. Nothing is worth blowing off somthing that means more than ANYTHING to me. Somthing not every person around this age experiences. Maybe a lot do, but i just don't see it.

Sometimes I don't even know what i am talking about....

i wish i did.

And sometimes taking all my time to think and try to figure things out isn't worth it, i think i might as well just roll with the punches and analyze later.. so that there is time to enjoy.

I can't be ready for everything, cause if i prepare myself for things that seem so perfect, then i will be greatly disapointed to find they only exist in dreams.

No one has ever made me a mix tape. This is not one of those times that ia m trying to hint that i want one for my birthday, i just find that so weird. All of the tapes i have are ones that i made. BUt i guess that's good, so i have what i like on them. I *heart* mix tapes. They're like home made cards, they take so much time to make and are so much fun. Not just a bunch of songs thrown together, but well thought out songs, with meaning and in just the right order- with the cover all colored and fun stickers and all..i need to start making mix tapes again...

Midterms are exciting this year. Lots of good and bad.

LAst night i sat in silence, wanting to listen to that perfect song, but i couldn't find ANYTHING that could fit my mood. I didn't want anything too sad and i didn't want anything too hard..just in between. But i didn't have ANYTHING. Hhhmm, that bothers me more than i think it should.

I need to start learning the rules of the road.. cause there are 4 days left... YAY!


EVERYONE DO A DANCE FOR SNOW!! I don't think i will beable to survive a whole week of school.
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