spring semester 06

Jan 24, 2006 11:42

I have now had one of each day... this is going to be a tough semester. But I already knew that. I need to do really well in O Chem; I need a B or better. The problem is, if I don't aim for an A, there's no way I'll even get a B. If I aim for a B, I'll end up with another C and that will cost me my scholarship. But I'm not aiming for an A because I know that's impossible. I just don't get the concepts that I need to get inorder to achieve an A. I need to study more and harder and read and go over my notes... Why don't I have faith in myself? I'm smart. Smart enough to get an A in O Chem. I just need to get my butt in gear and do it.

Principles 2 will be just like Principles 1, I hope... meaning that I'll pull off an A in there. Applied Engineering will be easy, it seems - it's mostly attendance and in-class participation based. Astronomy... well, I love astronomy, so it's enjoyable for me to study and read and everything else for that class. Writing 2 on the other hand... I'm really going to have to work for that one... I think that she's an easy grader, out to give everyone A's so I know that I'll be fine in the end, but I'm going to have to work to get my writing back to what it used to be. I'm so just half-assing it right now. I haven't gotten into it yet here... I need to get into a schedule that I follow every day. Like right now... I really needed to vent, and now I have. I wrote a private entry just because I needed to get it out, but I don't need to bother others about it. But I left this one public because I wrote about classes last week.

Anyway, I need to study and write some papers and clean my room.

Oh, and I love the new living arrangment - living with Kendra - and I am 100% sure I want to be an RA next year. :-)
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