I have a new obsession show! I was chatting with Mum on skype a couple of months ago and she asked if I was watching Downton Abbey. No, I said, tell me more. So she told me what it was about (for those who don't know it: it's a period drama set before/during/after the first world war, set in a grand house that follows the lives of those both above and below stairs) and I thought it sounded interesting and definitely like something I would like. I finally managed to get my hands on it a couple of weeks ago. Well. I watched season one in a day, which probably tells you what I thought of the show! Unfortunately my weekend was then over and I had to do that whole work thing through the week and I was busy most evenings, so I couldn't get cracking on season two straight away but I managed to squeeze in an episode or two nevertheless, watched a few more over the weekend, and finally watched the last episode tonight.
The show is AMAZING. I am totally hooked now. Only I've now reached the end of what currently exists and have no more to watch! (Perhaps I shall have to watch them again. What a shame.) Apparently a third season has been confirmed, to which I can only say OH THANK GOD FOR THAT. Because a) there needs to be more of this show in my life and b) if they left it on the cliffhanger they have with no more ever again.... heads would roll.
The whole show is beautifully put together. The writing is excellent, the sets are beautiful (and I love the house they're using for Downton Abbey), the costumes are gorgeous. The level of detail is impressive. But the cast is what really makes it. The whole cast is awesome, but Maggie Smith.... there are not words enough to describe the awesomeness of her. She is absolutely perfect. She is a Dowager Countess, she gets all the best lines and Maggie Smith does such a fantastic job with what she's given. Love love love.
And I just love Hugh Bonneville to bits and want to hug the stuffing out of him. Robert has a bit of a temper and he's certainly not perfect but he's a good, honourable man and I think Hugh does a fantastic job balancing that, being the master of a grand estate and yet still being vulnerable and human. I adore Bates, he's so noble and good and gentle ♥ And Anna too is such a sweetheart, but not a push over. I have been shipping Bates and Anna like crazy since the start, so I was so glad that they finally tied the knot, even if he did get led away in handcuffs at the end of the episode. I could think of a better use for those ;)
I'm also desperately hoping that Matthew and Mary will finally get it together, though most of the time I just want to him them both over the head with a big stick and tell them to stop being such stupid, stupid morons. But I think they both enjoy feeling like martyrs a bit too much. (Also, Dan Stevens is HOT. And apparently we overlapped in Cambridge, though different colleges and different subjects, alas.)
I am utterly in love with this show and I want more and I want more now, damnit. It is brilliant.
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