Two for Tuesday...I wish :p

Nov 08, 2011 20:09

Ugh facebook is annoying keeps crashing and its all wierd colours etc :S looks abit like a film negative!!!

I had planned to fast from today but due to being EDNOS I got hungry ;) lol. No seriously, fasting isnt going to help my metabolim what so ever so just had a restricting diet instead.

Ive got to go to weald groups tomorrow so no more being totally lazy like I have done last couple of days. Got group at 10.30, then got an appointment with Occupational therapist about the groups im doing. THEN going to do some xmas shopping as i need to be in X for when I see M (spurgeons girl) to take her to the cinema later in the afternoon. I will  just take a chill session shopping...break for coffee etc.

Ugh tomorrow is effort :( I just want to live, or not live as the case may be, on zopiclone and sleep my life away!

I still feel like shite. Had to put my happy face on earlier when I rang M so that I didnt seem like an absolute depressive and she didnt want to see me tomorrow. Taking her to the cinema but shes not sure what she wants to see yet. Toying with the idea of getting a cinema card...I would use it I think...even if I went to the cinema on my own every now and again hmm its an idea :). Better than going to the gym and burning off calories that I havent eaten I guess and think my CPN would be much more pleased with the cinema idea rather than the gym idea ;)

Had to pick up prescription today. Pregabalin and fresubin. Fresubin?!? At my weight??? She has GOT to be joking!!! Im picking it up as ive been told to but I very much doubt I will drink it !!!

Laters :)

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