my very first blog

Jun 26, 2007 22:58

so i decided today after coffee with sam that I would try out live journal. apparenlty im missing out on lots of goss through this thing. to tell you honeslty i overwrite everywhere else so i have no idea why i wouldnt get into the live journal thing earlier. anyway. i don't really know wat to say. today i had a bit of a public transport day. got a bus to meet mum... got a tram to meet the train back to mitcham station and got the bus home int eh dark. i dont mind public transport but i suppose i just have gotten use to it seeing that i caught the bus and to and from school basically every day from year 7 - year 12 besidea few patches when people drove me places. i dont see the point of these blogs. someone please explain. apparently theyre all the rage! hahaha anyways yesterday i sent out a text message to try and cure mi boredom for today to a few people expecting everyone to be busy BUT everyone was free and i got miself in a bit of a pickle. i managed to rearraged alot of people and now i have stuff to do all week. didnt really do much exciting today... caught up with sam for 2 1/2 or so hours but wanted to go home so i wouldnt have to do too much of my coming home in the dark. it was nice. i havent seen him since mi party which was the end of march. it was a nice day. tomorrow i have a driving lesson at 11 in the morning. it's scary. i would like to not but i need to get my licence sometime. for my sake and also for people like scotty and ellie and em who drive me everywhere. also prolly would help me over the next 2 weeks if i had it because my parents are away and scotty and ellie both work full time. poopies. oh well. anyways. need to go to bed.. its 11 and i should try get some sleep so im not too tried for mi driving lesson/lunch by myself/coffee with kevin/dinner with folks and scotty/lots of cuddles and crappy tv.
love xx

scotty, best friends, sam, ellie

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