Jul 04, 2007 11:06
OKAY.. so today is a funny day..it is day 3 of being home alone and also day 3 of having nothing to do..tomorrow and friday i have work at 8 in the morning.. friday night im babysitting for a family i totally love and then its the weekend and scotty duznt have to work and ill see ellie for a bit and it will be fabulous because i love my weekends. see this is the thing.. wen i become a kinder teacher BEFORE i get pregnant but AFTER i'm living with scotty I don't knwo wat i will do on all my holidays.i mean i do enjoy doing nothing all day... most of the time... but still it gets a bit boring and over-rated.
anyways so ive found there isnt really that much to do i walked around a shopping center for an hour and a half yesterday but i found it gross!! everywhere u look there are 12 year olds dressed like sluts...i mean come on have a freakin childhood!! there are so many of them as well i mean in all seriousness wat ever happened to people having 3/4 close friends rather than mobbing the shopping center. shopping centers arent really that cool to hang out in anyways. if ur in a shopping center u should atleast shop rather than just stand on random corners.gosh these kids frustrate me. i mean sure my kids will prolly be exactly like that wen they hit 12 BUT i won't have to be in shopping center with them then so watever. it's there choice after all. anyways that was just my little rant.
other than that.. i finished all the sex and the city episodes <3 hahaha as scotty said wat am i gunna do with my time now!?!??
anyway better dash.. on a quick note.. i have to get mi cervical cancer injection today at 2 and i conned ellie into coming with me and getting hers at the same time =) im so clever
im a bit nervous i dont want my arm to kill because i have to stock the milk tomorrow morning at 8 and itll be cold and itll hurt
catch xx
sex and the city,