Oct 16, 2007 23:29
It's been too long since i updated this thing last, but here are some things that have happened:
-Contemplating a trip up to Seattle Dec. 5-9th for my sister's culinary school finale, but can't decide if i can justify taking off during the last week of classes and the expense of the plane ticket.
-The rainy season has begun again, abruptly, which means the return of my sworn enemies, the ants.
-I've been to some good shows lately, specifically Girlyman, who were new to me, but quite good, and Stereo Total. The Stereo Total show was a while ago, but they were, as I had expected, a really fun band to see live. Bretzel's crazy antics on stage played off Françoise's drier humor and lent an energy to the show that was really unique. Plus, I ended up onstage (along with a good fraction of the audience) when they invited us to dance with them during the encores (much to the dismay of the flustered security guards at the somewhat snooty club). And the band that opened for them, The Octopus Project, had a really good theremin player!
-The girl is taking me to the Gaskell Halloween Ball (one of 6 yearly victorian ballroom dances held by Ye Gaskell Occasional Dance Society). We went thrift-store shopping and found an amazing vintage tailcoat IN MY SIZE at the Buffalo Exchange in the mission for $15, but the catch is that the fabric used to line the lapels had aged poorly and was in tatters. So we (ok, mostly she) are fixing it up (exciting!), and meanwhile I'm starting to get worried about the prospect of death by overheating from dancing for four hours wearing a wool tuxedo.