(no subject)

Sep 23, 2004 20:50

to go to homecoming or not to go to homecoming, that, my friend, is the real question. please, someone answer this question for me.

this weekend=3 day weekend, YAYAYA!!!

had an AP latin test today...fun stuff, memorized like 13 pages of translations last night for it, which was just glorious. yacono test tomorrow- don't want to take it. math test tuesday- REALLY don't want to take it. precal is owning me cause i don't know how to prove identities, however i am owning works right now, which is good.

football game tomorrow, i love football. oh on october 8 i get to go to the Texas Tech vs nebraska game (Tech's homecoming, woo, i'm going to college homecoming) and then on either oct 16 or oct 23 i'm goint to the TECH vs UT game!!!!!! WOO!!!!

and now some words of wisdom from frank:

*Beautiful to take a chance
And if you fall, you fall;
And I'm thinking I wouldn't mind at all.

*The sky fell down when I met you,
The green of the countryside has turned to blue,
I had the moon right on my fingertips,
And when first we kissed, there were stars on your lips.
To be with you just made it seem
That walking on snowy clouds was not a dream,
You gave to me all this and heaven too,
When the sky fell down and I met you.

yeah i love frank sinatra so much.

a thousand kisses on the tip of your nose,
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