graduation! read this its important!

Nov 07, 2008 00:55

well shit.

I'm graduating hair school the 14th (of this fine month)
and im sure everybody is sick of hearing about it
but if you knew what it took to stick it out. well. maybe you'd be impressed.
maybe you'd be PROUD? (sometimes i feel like its not enough of an accomplishment, that i could have done more with my time after high school..)

side note, i DO NOT have a j-o-b lined up for my apprenticeship so if your mom or sister or aunt knows somebody who works at a salon where they might have an opening.... hahaha..
please let me know. im willing to check out anything at this point.

i should be having a party the following (satur)day.. the 15th
(if you don't suck you're invited)

ill definitely need to unwind.

and ill be going to Nashville the 17th or 18th, for a few days! woooooo!

but back to reality
jeremy and i are doing really good and making progress to being great.. and being trusting..
thats not hard but i am the jealous type.. hate to admit it..
and hes in god damn chicago for the weekend! boooo!

tomorrow (or is it today).. i will be at school for 7 hours and then at impellizzeris hustlin pizza all night..
maybe hang out with jeremys siter after wards.. maybe see that porno comedy..

then ive got to fill my weekend with school shit and blah blah

im a mess...

thats it.

wish me good luck!

and by mid december ill test for my state apprenticeship license.. (i better pass this test costs lots of money)
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