Mountain Back Riding

May 21, 2006 22:52

I (finally!) saw Brokeback Mountain this afternoon. It was beautiful. Not so much a “movie about them gay cowboys” [said in a Southern accent] as it was a tragic portrayal of human relationships and unfulfilled love [said in a Standard American accent]. Le sigh. Amazing. I can’t stop thinking about it. I wish I knew how to quit it. (yes, I went for the ‘classic’ Brokeback joke. But I really do love that movie.)

Moreover, I wish I had a dollar for every time someone I know re-enacted the spit-in-his-hand-for-lube scene. Just yesterday, my cousin Michael did it 4 times and my best friend Nycole did it 5. That would be 9 dollars in one day just for hearing them go “Hokh-pew!” (That’s spit onomatopoeia.) The title of this entry is “Mountain Back Riding” because that’s how my dad referred to the movie yesterday. It’s funny cause he’s ESL. Crazy foreigners.

So, holy cow!! It’s been flippin’ forever since I updated this here LJ! I’ve been told that some people thought I was disappeared. Not the case. Just overloaded with school and work. Am currently in TX for a few weeks to take a break before I finish up my last 3 Yale credits. And then off to Californ-i-a for divinity school!! Hallelujah! (for those of you who don’t know, I got in to the grad school of my dreams, Starr King School for the Ministry! I think it was my essay about The Fonz that really sealed the deal.)

I have REEEAAALLLLY been enjoying my time back home. I have absolutely nothing to do. And believe you me, I like it that way.

Remind me tomorrow to tell you about my zany misadventures with Nycole and about Jordan Catalano's self-diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. It'll be good reading.

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