Nov 19, 2012 21:13
I tried to fucking blog about it, but I'm just so agitated with EVERYTHING in my life right now. I swear, it's the fucking Robitussin. Does this shit have steroids in it? I feel like this is what 'Roid Rage is probably like. I'm so fucking angry and aggressive.
So, here's the short, short, short version.
Because I'm a fucking woman, I can't separate sex from emotion, regardless of how dumb I think my sexual partner is. Really, he's dumb. Everything he fucking says is dumb. It's annoying, unless we're actively having sex, or unless I'm in that foggy post-sex delirium.
He's in this weird texting-relationship with a girl he's never met. It's also REALLY fucking annoying. They've been texting each other since the beginning of October, and they're up to, like, 7800 text exchanges as of last night. Think of how time consuming a conversation like that must be. He's tried to meet her three times. She's cancelled on him every time. Every time he says he's fucking done with her ambiguity, but they keep texting each other. She's updated her facebook status to be, "in a relationship." I'm not convinced she's a real person.
I'm super-fucking jealous that he won't just drop her. I've got a stupid crush on him, I'm his fucking drinking buddy, and I already have sex with him all the fucking time. What's the problem? Why the pursuit of more pussy? I know I'm being completely selfish, because I'll fucking kill myself if I get into a long term, emotionally-dependent relationship with this man. Basically, I just want to keep having sex with him. Indefinitely. And I want him to fawn over me. And nobody else. I don't think that's too much to ask. And then when I'm done, I'll dispose of him in the most amicable way I possibly can. Which, let's face it, since this is me: I'll probably bind and gag him, stuff him in the trunk of his own car, set it on fire, and push it off of a cliff.
This is such bullshit.