JUST A DREAM, week 6 entry

Apr 03, 2009 21:25

i wrote this because i didn't know what else to write for week 6


There you go i watch you leave,

Never to return to me

Then back you are in my life,

Standing there in front of me

From a place i cannot see.

The love of my life

The guy of my Dreams.

On the porch is where i stand,

in the evening  glow where i

wait for you to come home.

On the porch we take seat

So we can have a laugh and speak.

Oh! How this feels like a Dream.

You hold me in your warm embrace

Holding me tightly so i never leave,

I hold you back with the same ease.

Nothing could break our grip,

Or make me want to leave.

Its time for bed it has gotten late.

You kiss me so gently on my head,

I do the same, and then we linger in an embrace.

You wish me sweet dreams and we say goodnight

You then roll over so we get a good sleep.

Then i awake it was just a dream,

wishing you were back with me.

The love of my life

You are NOW just the guy of my DREAMS.

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