Birthday wrapup, Rainfurrest, and state of the studio

Apr 11, 2011 11:30

Hey there all! Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes! you gave me the warm and fuzzies inside :)

So yesterday after posting my ten cents about MFF, and cleaning up a bit around the house I did a little planting (veggies in containers out front). And then headed over to my moms place. Still stupid weird not saying my parents place, and I still think they are both being dumb pig headed people, but that is all beside the point.  I got there and saw that I had a box waiting for me *squee* I treated myself to a few new Breyer model horses with some birthday money and they came in. I have collected these guys since I was little, and I use them as ref, and they generally just make me happy. Then went on to give the dog a haircut (much needed) she is now appropriately Who like (think the whos from Dr. Suess, fairly skinny, long hair fluffy tail and fluffy feet).
Then people showed up, and much delicious food was had and lots of talking and life was pretty good. Even got to watch a lightening storm before heading home, so WOOT!

Man, I found out a good friend is moving to Washington, so had my 'in' for who to stay with AROUND Rainfurrest, and now it's booked up. Drat. Well, I put myself on the waitlist, so we'll see if I get in.

State of the studio... erm.. well, yeah. You can see pics if you want at my new Tumblr... It is slightly less, chaotic, and slightly more, realized the printer/scanner would do better elsewhere but don't have a place for them, but the books are mostly unpacked so... thats good right? You can also see pics of the old setup in teh loft (old old, don't have pics of the newer old setup in the loft but, man, between better light and more space, helluva improvement right?)

So today, more shipping, more unpacking and taxes BLAGH

move, unpack, birthday, rainfurrest, tumblr, studio, 2011

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