In Which I am sent to Wonderland

Mar 02, 2011 09:40

Or some such

Woke up this morning from a strange dream that had elements of Wonderland (more the book than any of the  movies), the Unicorn Sonata, and bits of the Narnia series, all twisted into some weird amalgam of a dream.

I had been hiking in the woods with a friend when everything started to look vaguely unfamiliar and a dark fog started to roll in. My suggestions to turn around were met with a strange silence and she seemed to get further and further in front of me while not speeding up her gait at all. The trees began to curl over the path and there was less and less undergrowth.

When we emerged from the mist and the forest we were on a vast plateau that overlooked a huge mist filled canyon. At first all I saw was the beauty of the grasses, the clarity of the atmosphere, the huge mountains on the other side of the canyon. It was heaven.

But when I turned to my friend she had changed. Her eyes were dark, lacking both iris and sclera, and the familiar clothes of the twentieth century had been replaced with a tattered white shift, her body had become wasted and pale.

And then she smiled. A grin that took up far more space than her face would allow and was filled, shark like, with rows of rotting teeth.  It was then that I realized that within the smoke and mist of the canyon were weaving heads huge wyrms with grins that matched her own.  I scrambled backwards tripping and struggling to get back up into the forest, simultaneously realizing that the forest would be no safer, when a lanky man in a suit came up to me.  He had a face that shifted and changed, staying long and narrow and giving the impression of deep set eyes but no other features would stay still long enough for identification. He wore a pair of large dark goggles, and handed me a set.

"Wear them" he said.  And with a nagging sense of deja vu, the thought that I had both seen him before, and that perhaps he had saved me in the past, I complied.

When I turned from him, the beasts in the Canyon had disappeared, as had my friend, though a mangled dress and a few stray bones were laying by the edge of the plateau.

"Its the mist" he explained. "The goggles are affected the mists, and they can only see creatures that can see them.  So for now, we are safe, at least from those with teeth"  As he strode off, tails of his jacket catching on the tall grasses of the plains, I realized I had no choice but to follow him. Even if I could get back through the twisting paths in the forest (which I doubted) I had the vague recollection that my so-called friend had done something to them, I did not think I'd end up in the same place, perhaps not the same world.

And memories were starting to come back to me.
That I knew the man in the suit.
That he could help me.
And that I was supposed to be doing something to help someone else... or maybe something?

At this point in my dream I flashed over to my excitement to find a castle, and the man in the suit trying to stop me but being to late. We had just found a cache containing the key to rescuing ... something... when the castle came into view. I was certain that it was full of friends, I knocked on the door, and I had a flashback.

"I really wish you'd stop doing that" my companion sighed, as the door opened to reveal a large man in a stained lab coat who looked far too pleased to see me.

"Oh, good, I wondered if you'd tired of our little experiment" He grabbed my shoulder and ushered me through the dark halls and into a tiny bathroom tiled in avacado green. My companion sighed again and perched himself on the pedestal sink. "This is never fun"  It was at this point that all I remember in many of my dreams is waking up from horrid nightmares of being trapped in this room with monsters, and a large hand started to come out of the grate on the bathroom floor.

And then I woke up.

I got far more out of this dream than I have in the past. I have vague recollections that I may have done more, and that perhaps the thing I am rescuing is the last herd of unicorns, but I'm not sure how much my brain is filling in from reading the Unicorn Sonata recently.

Really quite an interesting dream, and now I want to paint quite a few scenes from it.

wonderland, dream, lauragarabedian, journal, laura, 2011

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