Feb 05, 2011 16:40

Because if I never hear the term snowpocalypse it will be too soon.

Not to mention that in terms of weather until yesterday THERE WASN'T SNOW at least where I am. And to be quite honest I was iced in. But Yeah. Been iced in since Tuesday morning. Wheeeeeeee. Tons of tiny tiny little ice pellets, little sleetballs everywhere turned the roads to slick black and white ice covered morasses, the weathermans fail (and our listening to him) meant that Todd was parked up our driveway instead of in the road Tuesday morning (as the storm supposedly wasn't going to be in until Tuesday night). And he was locked in here until yesterday, and the boy does not take well to that so... fun.

We did get lovely lovely snow yesterday though. About five inches of beautiful white fluffy powder. Which is now almost entirely melted away, except for the shady spots.

In personal news, it looks like there may be a high likilihood of my moving, perhaps to Colorado, this spring, without Todd. We had another long talk the other day and agreed that unless there is significant progress/improvement by April I should probably move out or we are going to hate each other... so, we'll see, but for those of you in CO if you keep your ears open for affordable housing opportunities, that accept one large sweet dog opening anytime between april and june I'd sure appreciate it.

And if you could all cross fingers, burn incense, whatever you do when you hope for people, I just applied for a job which, while it may or may not pay great would be a freaking blast so if you could keep me in your thoughts I'd sure appreciate it.

Here have some art,  it's more fun than any of that chatty crap anyhow.
I'm having a freaking blast with the playing cards, with any luck they will be done by next FC *fingers crossed*

playing cards, ice, lauragarabedian, relationships, snow, laura, 2011

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