Slack Slackity Slacker, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and free art (mind you its tiny art)

Dec 27, 2010 11:16

Hahaha, I kind of slacked of, on urm, yeah, everything internets in the past week, as I couldn't POST any of the stuff I did for people for Christmas and I was frustrated *grinz* AND I was frustrated because the internets were arguing at every turn. So APOLOGIES if I missed anything I am trying to double check to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I have nagging feelings I might have - if you sent me anything and you would have expected a response by now, my DEEPEST apologies. If you don't get an answer by tonight- please E-mail me to confirm that your stuff didn't get lost in the crazy that was last week. Happy happy now.

Hope you all had freaking fantastic holidays, doing whatever you want, be it hanging with family or by yourself, or going to the zoo or whatever. I had pretty good holidays. Spent a lot of time with my brother, minimal time with the parents (prob for the best as I am still easily hurt by their current behavior) and lots of time w/my boy.
And I got prezzies.
And gave prezzies (and by some of the giftees reactions, did a damn good job so YAY!)
My fave received prezzies were... small bag of scraps of fur and teeth and bone from a friend online, FUZZY BOOTS from my brother (not the typical Ugg tall chunky boots which I hate), a TARDIS USB splitter from my boy, a sonic screwdriver led torch from my brother, a fantastic flask from my mom, and a sushi dinner from my dad :)
My favorite gifts I gave - an egg incubator for my mom so she can 'grow her own' chickens *grinz*, various bizarre hot sauces for my dad because he likes trying new sauces, an AWESOME collar for my brothers new dog (seriously, check out Karma Collars, they have a shop on Etsy and they are fantastic - this one has the ends of 12 gauge bullets in it - and the dogs name is Chester - short for Winchester - so perfect - and has a lifetime guarantee) and also some fantastic steampunk cufflinks by
, really nice ceramic pots and a mug for my boy.
Hooray! I like giving and receiving, and giving...

BTW I am RIDICULOUSLY jealous of all you people with snow. Ridiculously. Just saying. I know most of you are probably over it, and whatever, but dammit, I like snow. It never feels like holidays without snow.  Or even winter for that matter. Yeah, anyhow...

And as a reminder my ACEO counting contest is on until jan 1st whereupon the ten people CLOSEST to the actual # will get little free ACEO's. and right now I only have 3 entries, so GUESS PEOPLE!!!!
rules are below

So here is the contest
How many ACEO's do I have? Including ACEO's done for commission.
They are ALL posted somewhere, but I admit they may not all be posted in one place. Honestly, I don't think they are :/ But they are ALL posted online. But how many ACEO's do I have?
E-MAIL ME THE RESPONSE! To Art[at] - Subject line Christmas Contest.
As a reminder the various places I have art online are...
My Shiney New Website
DA -
FB -!/pages/La.....k/212014834464
Etsy -
I am holding this contest on a few platforms and don't want to be confused, so please don't comment, comments won't be valid

You must e-mail me with your guess/count of the number of ACEO's that I have to Art[at]
Contest is over on the 1st of January, winners will be announced that week, and I'll ship off the prints sometime the first week of 2011.
ALL ACEO's must be counted, not just ones for sale, or commissioned work.
Also included are my ACEO's that have a white border for framing purposes, (they are listed as such) I know they aren't classic ACEO theme, but they are (in my mind) ACEO's and it's my contest :)

website, gift, christmas, websites, contest, internets fail, holiday, 2010, giving, presents

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