Nov 19, 2013 12:57

So I got an IUD put in yesterday ( Read more... )

iud, tmi, friends

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idess November 19 2013, 23:14:56 UTC
Oh wow that was a quick decision! I remember when we were talking about it you weren't sure if you wanted to do it. Well glad to know you're good and OK and it went well!

I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking you! Maybe email/chat would be better suited if you don't feel comfortable talking here X3

Anyway glad to hear you had some good support and it went ok! <3


lauragarabedian November 19 2013, 23:16:31 UTC
E-mail/chat/phone or talk here. It's one of the reasons I made the post in case anyone wanted to talk.

Thanks lady!


idess November 20 2013, 14:40:29 UTC
Ok cool! I don't mind talking here but wasn't sure if you did X3
I just remember you saying you had irregular periods (like I do) and that was one concern with the IUD. So I'm curious if you found a way to control them with an IUD, or are you just going to deal with the irregular cycles or what?
That's basically the one thing stopping me from getting an IUD myself, they sound so much better than pills but I worry my crappy cycles will come back D:


lauragarabedian November 20 2013, 15:40:49 UTC
Yeah, I decided to just wing it. I did go with Mirena, which is the hormone based one, which should slowly decrease my periods/make them lighter, and some people lose them entirely. Which is my hope. I'll just see how it works for me. If it works well great, if not I'm giving it at least 3 months (and that is worst case side effects) and that comes out to the price of my pills (because of the support of the arch program) so if it doesn't work I'm not out a ton of money.

I reaaaaaally liked the idea of the copper, but that does drop you back to baseline, and a) I feared that, would have wanted to have a couple months without anything before I tried it and b) there wasn't a monetary support that I could find for that one. And Mirena has the side effects of lessening to possibly losing your period alltogether, which is quite nice!

I can keep you updated on how its going if you like? Just ask me in a month or two or six and I'll let you know?


idess November 20 2013, 21:22:32 UTC
Ah thank you! I didn't realize the two types had different effects like that. Hmmmm! Lots to think about. I too like the copper idea but Mirena does sound nice if the periods would slack off or go away :O Aaah what a dream haha!

Definitely please do keep me updated! I'd love to know more personal experiences so I can decide for myself as well. Just especially lately with the problems I've been having with my pill I'm feeling really "done" with the pill in general!


lauragarabedian November 20 2013, 21:28:58 UTC
Very different effects. The one I got is like the injection or patch or low dose pills things. Copper is just a sperm bug-zapper (which is AWESOME).

I'll keep ya in the loop. Best wishes with your own choices/prescriptions. Sure would be nice if we could just turn our ovaries off eh?


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