Odd snippet of a story

Oct 03, 2013 10:38

For no reason other than a brief glimpse of a piece of art (that I can't find) inspired me to a brief look into another world, where this was happening. And then the door shut... I don't know what else happens, but I thought it was interesting enough to write down...

She saw the bird fall. A limp gray rag, tumbling from the sky. The rain making colors smear into gray and shapes lose their edges in the blur of water drops. Tears streamed down her young face as she whispered to herself, small prayers of well wishing, the murmering of sorrows to the sky. She knew about death. She knew the family needed to eat. But every life tore a bit at her fragile soul, ripping through the cobwebs of her heart.

The cornfield was a salt-less sea, and she stood, swaying, at its prow. Silent vigil, a small stone mourner of the death that had blown by. Her mind bent under the pressure of the small feathered form lying heavy on the ground. Heavy in her heart. The mud splattered feathers, the tiny crater in the mud caused by the plummeting body leaving its last impression on the earth.

snippet, 2013, story, odd, strange

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