You kind people - Mail type things?

Sep 21, 2013 09:29

I appreciate you all. I love you all, for following me, for supporting me, for commenting, for generally just being there. So hey there internet would you be interested in random things?  I kept meaning to post this and then, well, life, it gets in the way, also, this started going around right before I left for Greece so I was CRAZYFACE busy...  Quoting Nam here, because to lazy to turn it into my own post and it completely describes me and why I appreciate you all and, well, everything...

"Hello everyone. I appreciate you. I notice you and think you are cool. I cannot possibly show this to each of you the way I want to, but perhaps from time to time I can show some of you, as I'm able.
Maybe I see you are having a hard time, and a tiny bit of cheer in the mail will help a little bit.
Maybe I see you have done something that touches my heart and I want to show you that I appreciated that.
Maybe I'm just random as hell.

With all that said, anyone that might like a random little treat in the mail from time to time, please leave your complete mailing address in a comment below. Comments are screened. If you do not want to leave it below, feel free to comment saying "I will email you my address" and then feel free to do so (please, just do comment, so I have a record of it in one place).
Randomly, when I am able, I will send tiny treats in the mail. Maybe only one person per month or one every few months. It could be art, jewelry, a simple letter, a postcard of my chickens, a little print... just simple little things to brighten your day.

I cannot promise anything, as sometimes I find myself running on financial fumes.
I cannot promise when or if this will happen.
I cannot promise you will love what I send (but I won't send junk).
Please understand that items sent internationally will be, by necessity, small and light. International shipping is scary expensive now.
Please, if you sign up and don't get anything for a while, don't be upset. It does not indicate how much I like you. It doesn't mean I ignore you. I just am limited in my resources at times.
Please do not feel greedy or guilty for signing up. I do not see it as a 'grab for stuff'! This is meant to just be... cheerful. No strings, no worries.

Feel free to post a similar thing in your journal!"

pay it forward, free things, stuff, free, ship, things, giveaway, kind things

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