I am definitely Mister GrumpyFace Today

Feb 22, 2012 09:26

So I went to pick up some stuff/sort out some stuff at my exes where I used to live. (We are still friends this is normally no cause for concern). But it contained mail.

Mail that I should have gotten months ago.

Mail from the freaking IL government, that apparently the taxes I thought I filed I didn't.

So there was a 3 way fail. My failure to file (I remember getting through it, but then the internet went down, but I got far enough I forgot that the internet failed). IL failure to change my address as I requested. And then the exes failure to post mail to me.

One of those letters was about how they have revoked my tax license and that I may no longer be able to work that event in the future.

Which is MFF. 
Which is my big con for the fourth quarter.


Tried to call once already and haven't been able to get in touch with them and they have locked me out of the internet reg since they pulled my license.  This is crap.

crap, stupid taxes, failure, taxes, cons, fail

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