Raven among cardinals

Dec 05, 2011 16:23

So I haven't done an MFF post con report... or a Thanksgiving report or any of that... and maybe I will later but I'm a grumpy artist right now and feel the need to vent my cranky displeasure out at the world.

So for some reason for the past two weeks, it has been pointed out, repeatedly, that I'm not normal. So I'm gonna rant to the interwebs because it gives two damns right?

Now I'm okay with the fact that I don't fit society's ideals of being a normal human, much less being a normal woman.  And generally I don't give it a second thought, but the fact that my good friends have felt the need to bring it up so often in the past couple weeks has my feathers all rumpled up.  It is like I'm a raven and all my friends are cardinals and for some reason in the past few weeks they have felt like telling me so. "Hey, you're different." "Hey you don't think like we do." "Hey we love you but you're weird. I mean you are all big, and black, and your beak isn't proportioned the way that ours is and, and, and..."  And they aren't being mean about it... but they are not being subtle about it either.  I'm just tired and frustrated that suddenly the fact that my ideas about life, which I have never hidden or made any sort of secret of are an object of fascination. That suddenly I am recognized as a bit of an enigma, as someone you come to when you want a bizarre viewpoint.

Now I am the least freaking subtle person I know.  I tell people straight out when I'm thinking of things. I don't sugar coat. I don't creep around subjects.  My friends tease me and say that I'm 'Sneaky' because I am the exact opposite of that.  You want to know what I'm thinking or think about a certain subject? Just freaking ask, because I will tell you.  And I just don't CARE if you don't agree with me, I mean I respect your viewpoint, but the fact that we think differently? I know that and revel in it... I don't feel the need to constantly tell my friends how different they are from me, because, really what does that accomplish. Yep, we are different. Yep, I'm in the minority.  I'm a fucking artist, who sells art to the fantasy and furry crowd. I work conventions. I climb. I hike. I have a fascination with masked sphinxes.  I don't give 2 damns about marriage, and am politically fucking ambivalent.  I just don't fucking care that I'm different.  You can stop pointing it out now okay? Thanks...

ehmm.... rant over now.
*sigh* and if I'm going to be perfectly honest, I LIKE the idea that I am different. I like who I am. I feel no need to change, but the constant finger pointing has got me almost feeling guilty about me. Which is incredibly stupid. I like me.  Dammit stop pointing fingers because I'm different. I like who I am.

Here have a sphinx.  Because really, who else has a fascination for these bizarre critters?

rant, don't fucking care, different, grumpy, 2011

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