A fine line between sad and cathartic

Aug 21, 2011 21:54

Apparently there is a fine line between being sad about cleaning shit out of your house/studio/living space when you break up with someone after living with them, and then it being incredibly cathartic. There came a point today, when I was trashing an insane (and incredibly sad) amount of reference material that I had gathered, when suddenly I went from "Oh dear god I hate that I am having to do this, how is this happening" to "Oh, God" I am so glad I am getting rid of this, I wll be moving to my dream location in a MONTH (which isn't NEARLY soon enough).  Having never lived with anyone before, this was new, and an interesting development.

I turned the corner. Any remnants of sadness I think are going to be gone in the next couple days. This relationship had been decaying for over a year now. I quite honestly should have quit it sooner but didn't want to give up on a great person. But to be honest, I am HAPPIER now. I think I will only continue to be happier and healthier.

I feel like, for the first time in years, everything has fallen in place. And even if going to CO is hard. Even if it doesn't go as planned (because really, nothing does) this is the right thing to do.  And that excites me!

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