FA United/Vacation Recap

May 25, 2011 15:08

So! I have been out of town for a full week now, and it was just what I needed!  The purpose of the trip was to hit up FAUnited, but to keep airfare cheap and because I really wanted to, I built a couple days on either side to see family.  The family time and getting to relax in PA was just what the doctor called for.

FA United was a great little con. I do emphasize the little bit. Pretty tiny little thing, with a proportionally sized dealers room. But the people were fantastic, both the artists and the general con-goers. I only had good things to say about the dealers room guard guy 'Kittens' who was super sweet and helpful. The last day had a minor run-in with con staff when they tried to charge my aunt more than the reg price on the site, which was strange because they said they 'raised it for the last day'. After she argued that there were just a few hours left and it never said anything like that on the site she got in for the right price, but, that was very strange.  She generally enjoyed the con, and it was nice to hang out with her/have someone else at my table so I didn't feel guilty walking around.  LOVED hanging out with all the super sweet and cool artists, made homework night so much more fun and interesting. So all was well on that front. Also had great neighbors, so that was fab!

In terms of personal vacation, well having that time to catch up with my grandmother, an uncle, and various aunts was so nice. Had been two years since I had seen my uncle, a bit less for the rest, and am looking forward to catching up with them again when I drive up for AC.  I got a chance to see my aunts beautiful garden, have lots of good food (cannolis, and hoagies, and scrapple, oh my!) and brought back TastyKakes for my brother and I.  Just overall beautiful, soaked in the gorgeous green of the east coast and breathed in the fresh damp air.  I am so incredibly jealous of all the STUFF that grows up there, my aunt gave me quite a few seeds from her garden (various columbines, wood poppy, bleeding heart, and helleborus) in hopes that it will grow down here.  We talked veg gardening a bit (as that is my primary gardening experience), and really I just enjoyed myself.

This was the relaxing trip that I think I really needed. I had a lot of alone time to just be, most of my commissions were at a good spot to set down while I left so I could do some work, and overall I really enjoyed myself. I look forward to heading back up there in the fall.

garden, gardening, 2011, east coast, family, fau2011, convention, con

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