Post Anthrocon Report 2010

Jun 30, 2010 10:21

Post Con Report for AC2010

In short... People are made of WIN Sales were full of fail.

Lets get the bad over first.  Didn't sell anything in the art show.  Magnets and ACEO's went over very well.  Slow commissions and slow print sales.  This seems to be an across the board thing.  Urusula Vernon, and a lot of big names had the same problem.  I was told to please not judge AC on this show, so I won't.  Sales were down by half for many big names.  So I will probably be back next year and try try again. So much for this being the biggest con of the year.  I barely broke even.


I got a chance to hang out with Ursula , Kevin , and Myenia (who I had met before) and met a plethora of artists who are FULL of amazing.  You should go check out their work.  Jennie , Mel , Lizardbeth , Spunkywolf , Foxfeather and her hubby, Heather , and a lovely artist who makes fantastic resin cats and I can't remember her name so if you know her you should tell me so I can add her to the list of amazing people here.  And I KNOW I probably forgot some people.  I'm sorry! It was a long weekend running on virtually no sleep (as are all conventions) so... comment/note me if you feel left out!

Myenia and I truly lucked out on roommates too.  They were just awesome.  Turns out I already knew one already.  I'll put your names/links down if you want ladies, I just feel funny putting out info unless peeps are artists ('cause then I'm plugging their art, and I know all artists are fantastically happy about that).  And the suits of one roommate?  Fantastic!  Just stunning.  Clockwork Creatures truly makes some works of ART.  It is the same company that made another friends suit (you know who you are my friend).

Oh and I got to meet James Gurney the artist of the awe inspiring Dinotopia books.  Bought a fantastic book on creating Illustration from Imagination and got a chance to ask a few questions I had in regards to scanning art.

Little bit of trip info.
For those of you that didn't know we (my boyfriend and I) drove to AC (which is in Pittsburgh).
From Dallas.
With a stop in Philly.
Ehm. This is over 24 hours in a car.
If I never sit in a car again, it will be too soon.
Unfortunately I still need to drive back.

So here is how the travels went.
We were supposed to leave on Tuesday, and my boyfriends boss came home a day early so we got to drive leave Monday.  So we left north Dallas at 11pm Monday.  Took a break in Arkansas for a 2 hour nap and continued on to Bowling Green Kentucky.  Where we stopped at the Lost River Cave and rode on a boat on a underground river, which was REALLY cool.  That was definitely worth the stop and leg stretch.  Apparently back in the 30's the opening to the cave (being one of the largest in the world) was host to a nightclub.  And people in their tuxedos and long dresses made their way down over a hundred feet of treacherous stairs carved into the side of the canyon down to the 'club' which was a roofed in part of the cave (so they didn't get dripped on) to dance.  And then walked back up after dancing and drinking all night.  I wish that was still active, be awesome to go swing dancing in a cave!
Meanwhile I had called my relatives in Philly and managed to get in touch with them.  So we navigated on to Philly.  Long leg of a trip that was.  We again, took a 2 hour nap break and kept on trucking.  Spend a full day in Philly with my grandmother and a couple of aunts and a cousin, which was lovely! I hadn't seen them in about 3 years, so that was fantastic.
Then on to AC!  Another 6 hours in the car, but through western PA, which is really just stunning land.  Got to see lots of horses and buggies as we passed through Amish country, and big draft mules helping till the land.
3 Days in Pittsburgh, which was a fantastic city full of great people and delicious food.
And then the drive out to Marion Ohio, where I will be until Saturday as my boyfriend competes in the Disc Golf World Tournaments in Advanced Amateur.

Soes! That is how it goes.  AC2010 was fun and a lovely convention, I loved that I got to hang out with so many great people, and got to see my relatives, and now I am enjoying the lovely temperatures of mid-Ohio.

So, updates will be sporadic until I get home, but thanks again to everyone who helped me out at AC, the artists, the lovely commissioners (you know who you are) and my fantastic roomies.


pittsburgh, anthrocon, furry, philly, cave, 2010, convention, roadtrip

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