May 13, 2004 12:54
Okay, so today is the penultimate day of school well, legal school. However i do still have my exams to do! Yay, a whole 19 of them. But for now i am having a good time as most of the teachers feel that it is more fun if we have parties and do no revision. Which works for me, my procrastination has lead to me doing absoultely no revision what so ever and my first exam is in a whole 5 days.
I managed to win an award from my History for 'Best Disguse Award' due to my ever changing hair colour and style award and that lead to my teacher never being able to find me. I personally thought it would be easy to find a person who had blood red hair but obviously that is not the case.
So tomorrow is leavers day and while some people are not at all bothered by this i feel it will be quite sad due to not being able to see people that are leaving, never having lessons with certain friends again, (playing chinese whispers in Maths with three people can be quite hilarious!), and not having my form next year due to the school deciding to mix us all up after 5 years of being together.
However, being only 16, i feel i do not need to get too emotional tomorrow, i have a whole life ahead of me for that, i will jst enjoy myself and stuff my face with foodand doss around on school property, mocking those who have a full year of school left, despite the fact that have exams!
Sound like a good plan to you?? Because it sure a shit does to me!