Physics on the up?

Aug 16, 2007 14:33

So the IOP are doing their best to do cartwheels over the "increase" in the number of students taking A-level physics. Granted, this is the first increase in a very long time but I'm not sure we can be so happy about it...

In real terms we're talking about 98 more students taking a physics A-level this year compared to last year. Looking at the gender balance we see that the number of boys taking the subject has actually dropped by 51 students. The greater numbers are due to more girls taking the subject. This itself is really positive but it's worrying that there is a drop in the number of boys (something the IOP don't mention in their main article on A-level numbers today).

I think that in general physics is in an improving position as we had an increase of 12% in applications to uni physics courses and that was without an increase in the number taking A-level.

Today's been my first results day at an HEI. It's been a very interesting experience!!
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