Sep 01, 2005 21:21
Hello everyone!
So sorry I haven't posted. I arrived home in the early hours of 30th instead of the late hours of 28th. This meant I had a billion things to do before school and no time to update livejournal. I somehow managed to read through my flist.
Today, school started. I now go to a completely new school with completely new people in completely new city. My new class seems to be okay - I haven't talked to any of them as of now. However, my first lessons will be tomorrow and I'm sure I'll talk to at least few of them.
The trip was awful. Really, it was. Our bus broke down half way through Poland and we had to sit in a gas station for 4,5 hours and them walk (with our things) 1,5 km to the nearest hotel where we spent the night. The bus broke several times after it, too. Our guide got lost often. She really didn't do her job. We were given almost no info.
At least there were some terrific people in the group. Behind me and my friend sat a young couple, both study in university and work. And next to us sat another girl who started university today (she'll be an English teacher for children aged 8-11). We had a lot of fun together, laughing and joking and simply talking all the time. There were other cool people in the group, too.
I bought a very cool skirt from Paris. It's almost to my ankles, bright red and flowing and looks good on me. I also bought gifts for my family and friends and a few souvenirs.
Will do a longer post tomorrow, this one doesn't even cover the basics.
I missed y'all terribly! *hugs*
Bye for now!