[random picture taken on my camera phone a little over a year ago, outside the ultrastar on a cigarette break.]
i still work myself far past what most would consider the limit. these days you can count the number of female employees on one hand, and that's including the managers. i feel like i'm a teacher at an all boys school, and all in all i think i prefer it this way. the difference between how most guys handle drama versus how most girls handle it is a rather large one. the guy way is much less hassle.
for the most part i seem to have found my niche in terms of management style. it's mostly a matter of respecting everyone. i don't ask anyone to do more work than i am already doing myself, so when i do ask something of someone they do it without resentment. i try to keep everyone happy, so long as it doesn't interfere with the job(ie, letting people work the positions they prefer, allowing an extra break when possible). as long as they continue to respect me, i continue to respect them, and if they can't handle the freedom then they are disciplined as neccesary. so far it's served me well. while i'm sure some people don't like having me around but plenty of people have made it clear they like working my shifts and enough nice things are said about me that i can feel that at least in one aspect i am doing my job ok.