This Journal is filled with my Arashi ramblings and some ramblings on life. I am an AIBA FAN so feel free to flail about him with me anytime ^_^
My favorite Pairing is SAKURAIBA!
Be warned I loooove to make fanvids. They were deleted from YT awhile ago but are now reuploaded.
Aiba Speaks English |
Aiba Speaks English 2 |
Aiba Speaks English 3 I'm still amazed at how many people have seen those vids O_O
Others are a bit more... risky? They are pairing vids (slash).
I often post random Aiba spazzy comments or sakuraiba moments but I love everyone in Arashi! (and just about every arashi pairing)
So If you want to be added back comment here ^_^
Let me know why you want to be friends similar interest or something else.