Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I do not understand why most people don't know these facts about her. We know that Joe Biden plagarized parts of a speech 20 years ago, but we don't hear any info on this woman's political record on the news? Ridiculous.
Every time I see debates about her on TV, the Republican pundits call sexism. Questioning someone's record is not sexism! Choosing a candidate for her gender is much closer to that!
Do you mind if I link to this in my livejournal? It expresses pretty much everything I want to say about this woman. She scares the heck out of me. The fact that McCain got tons of money from the uber-religious right for choosing her is reason enough to worry.
I've unlocked this, so link away! I'm not normally a political animal, but this woman's background is too creepy not to pass along. Wolves in sheep's clothing totally PISS ME OFF!
Every single thing I hear about her makes me like her less (although my inner wikipedian is yelling something about "citation needed! citation needed!").
Frankly, she reminds me of Bush in many, many, many ways. I don't need 4 to 8 more years of that.
A lot of the things in this letter to the editor are public record. The firings, for example, and the fiscal BS. I liked that this wasn't just a slam piece, but had a balanced critique of her track record.
Ah, I just figured out that the source link was in the LJ-cut (which of course didn't show up once I clicked on it, duh, I'm so smart :P).
Know what's really scary? Having just gotten off the phone with my mom, who is convinced this woman is wonderful, qualified, and generally kick-ass. >____
Dude, I didn't want McCain because he represented more of the same of the last eight years.
Palin, so far as I've read, is even further to the right than McCain. And with McCain at death's door, yeah, a vote for him is pretty much voting Palin into office.
I agree, she seems further to the right then McCain. I knew I would post this letter when I saw the book banning bit. Nothing gets my goat more than censorship like that.
Sounds like the McCain camp would've had more of the popular vote if they'd chosen Michael Palin instead (campaign slogan: "For A Kinder Nation, With More Fish-Slapping Dance"). What, Christine Todd Whitman wasn't available? 8/
Although: funnily enough, this entry in sew_hip was second after you on the comeek this morning. You're starting a trend!
Comments 31
Every time I see debates about her on TV, the Republican pundits call sexism. Questioning someone's record is not sexism! Choosing a candidate for her gender is much closer to that!
Do you mind if I link to this in my livejournal? It expresses pretty much everything I want to say about this woman. She scares the heck out of me. The fact that McCain got tons of money from the uber-religious right for choosing her is reason enough to worry.
Frankly, she reminds me of Bush in many, many, many ways. I don't need 4 to 8 more years of that.
Know what's really scary? Having just gotten off the phone with my mom, who is convinced this woman is wonderful, qualified, and generally kick-ass. >____
Palin, so far as I've read, is even further to the right than McCain. And with McCain at death's door, yeah, a vote for him is pretty much voting Palin into office.
That's fucking scary to me.
Sounds like a Bushite to me, all right.
Although: funnily enough, this entry in sew_hip was second after you on the comeek this morning. You're starting a trend!
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