Jan 11, 2005 21:54
it would appear that i only update when i have something dental to talk about.
so yesterday i had an implant placed in my lower left jaw, where tooth number 20 should have been. instead, i had a rotten baby tooth there that had to come out (my first cavity!) my implant is a Biohorizon 5x9. Bryhn (isn't that a cool way to spell brian? i've never seen it spelled that way) placed the implant, and holt assisted. Bryhn is a third year resident in the prosth. program that holt is in. it wasn't too bad, although feeling a drill going down into your jaw bone isn't the most pleasant thing ever. today i am slightly swollen (is that spelled right? looks weird)
this is the second week of my new job. i'm working for holt's dad at Gray Dental Laboratory. right now i am just learning the job of the "front desk." this actually involves alot more than answering the phone. "what does a dental lab do?" you might ask...well, we make crowns and bridges, in a nutshell. holt's dad is a great ceramist (lab guru, if you will) and also a very wise businessman. i feel some pressure to do a really good job, as i don't want to let my "father in law" down. that lab is busy. its quite different from working for the dentist where three patients in one day was a busy day. but i like my coworkers, and i like not being bored at work.
this weekend Philadanco will be performing at the Alys Stephen's center. i'm excited about that. i need someone to go with. holt is going to play poker on friday, so i was thinking of going friday. anyone want to go?