Oh wow. It feels soooooooooooooooooooo good to be back from Iowa. The trip wasn’t as awful as I imagined it would be. In fact I rather enjoyed parts of it. But my immediate family was…. difficult. But whatever.
Taming of the Shrew was really interesting. It’s a show I’ve always been, ummm, wary of for obvious reasons. But they did a good job with it. It was better than any other version I’ve ever seen and they dealt well with some of the anti-female themes without compromising the text too much. In the introduction the director (who happened to be a woman) said that one of the oldest recorded definitions for the word Shrew is “A difficult or ill humored man”. She ended her introduction by asking “Keeping that in mind, ask yourself who is the shrew anyway?” It put a fun spin on things.
We also hit the Iowa City Museum of Fine Art, which was kind of a joke. Like, one story, nothing that interesting. They did have a Marc Chagall that was pretty cool, but it didn’t compare with the two Chagalls in Milwaukee.
We stayed with my aunt, Mary Hellen, who is hands down my favorite relative ever. She’s amazing. She just published her second book,
The Turk and My Mother, which is basically slightly altered family history. Almost all of the characters actually existed. She’s doing a book reading in town latter this month, which I can’t wait for. You all need to come with me cuz I promised her that I’d bring lots of friends for her to meet.
Speaking of books a finally picked up a copy of
Whores on the Hill, the “fiction” piece about *cough*Divine Savior*cough* "Sacred Heart" Holy Angels sophomores and they’re adventures and misadventures in Milwaukee. It’s actually not horrible. I mean, it’s kinda good in a slutty/tragic way.
I’ve been getting into that really excited place an actor goes to before they start rehearsing a new show. I’m fukcing psyched as hell for As You Like It. I mean, I’ve been reading and rereading the play and it’s growing on me. And I’ve been reading any commentary on the play I can get my hands on.
On a less happy note I really picked the worst weekend to not be in Milwaukee. All sorts of drama seems to have suddenly reared it ugly head. There’s the whole Jesse bullshit, which is just charming. Whatever. Plus all the FS parties over the weekend which were…well…the subject of a few fun stories.
I totally hung out with Jeppi yesterday, which rawked. I miss that girl. We went to Gillies like old times and then swam in her pool. I also got to meet the infamous Toddly, boyfriend of Jeppi’s cool big sister Shannon. He’s a fun one. Somewhere between cool-liad-back-skter-guy and nerdy-but-charming-Napoleon-Dynamite. I approve.
Damnit I really hope I get to hang out with Ambre Rea tonight. I miss her like whoa.
Damn this has been an ADD entry.