Torchwood - fic - a data date, Tosh/Torchwood computers, NC-17

Jan 26, 2010 02:07

Title - a data date
Author - laurab1
Pairing - Tosh/Torchwood computers
Rating - NC-17 aka 18
Length - 300 words
Spoilers - general series
Summary - Tosh never calls it cybersex
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Follows Part 3 of Branches, and was originally posted at the latest Whoniverse porn battle. Thank you, if you left me comments over there :)

a data date
by Laura

Once she knows how, the sex with her computers becomes a regular occurrence.

Tosh never calls it cybersex, though, because that’s far too limiting. She goes with logic (and Jack), acknowledging it as sexual intercourse between a human and telepathic, sentient, alien computers.


There’s an occasion when the coral tells Tosh of her branches, deep underground. Eyes closed, Tosh fantasises. She imagines herself naked, long strings of binary, code and numbers circling her body, securing her to the branches at her waist, her chest, her neck.

It’s the coral who tightens the bindings, purring as she does so. It’s the coral who pushes strings of numbers into her ears, her mouth, her nose, against her eyes. At this point, Tosh is breathing heavily, in her fantasy, and in reality, where she’s touching herself through her tights and knickers, but it’s not the end.

It’s when the touch of the strings of code becomes more intimate, pressing inside her body. The numbers travel to her fantasy brain. Meeting the ones already there, they set her fantasy brain on fire. With binary, numbers, and Gallifreyan visible in her mind’s eye, Tosh’s physical body is set on fire, and she comes, seeing stars as well.

Two, in binary, and in the alien language (“That’s the only Gallifreyan I know, honey, the numbers,” Jack had said) becomes clear, as Tosh’s heart slows.

Less than three.

Opening her eyes, she laughs at her geek joke. The joke the coral gets. Retrieving her hand from between her legs, she brings it to her mouth.

“I love you, too,” she says, smiling.

Kissing her hand, she blows the endearment towards the floor, imagining the coral catching it in her branches, and holding it so very close.

As she stands, straightening her skirt, the idea makes her smile.


tosh, smut, torchwood, drabbles & ficlets, fic

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