Title - The Menagerie
Author -
laurab1Rating - PG
Characters - Jack, OCs
Length - 350 words
Summary - follow-up to
The City on the Edge of Forever Spoilers - 2.11 Adrift, 2.12 Fragments
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
The Menagerie
by Laura
Battle-scarred soldiers, that’s easy, one hundred and fifty years’ experience of dealing with them. But with these two, a teenage girl and a thirty-ish man, Jack has absolutely no idea what he’s gonna do.
Well, he has some. For a start, he can get them out of those damn cells with the bars, and into the plastic fronted ones. If either of them kills him, on the way, at least it won’t stick.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he carefully says, and the girl slowly looks towards him. With a friendly smile, Jack asks, “How about we get you out of there, huh?”
Not even the plastic fronted cells are required, Jack decides, when the trek from the vaults to them is uneventful. Hot, sweet tea, then, for Cerys and Dean, in what was Alex’s office. Jack’s gonna have to see it as his, now, he realises, taking a breath before taking the chair.
“What happened?” he asks. “Why the hell had Alex abandoned you, down there?”
“Nearly froze to death on an ice planet, when I was ten,” Cery says, looking very grateful for the tea. How neglected were they? “Got taken from there. Been here, the last five years.”
Before Jack can process that, Dean replies, with a stammer, “Almost burnt to death, God knows where. I’ve been here for the last two months.”
“The Rift?” Jack whispers. A tear in spacetime is the only possible culprit.
“Yeah,” Cerys says, quietly. “I’ve heard Alex mention that a lot, when he doesn’t think I’ve been listening.”
No more being ignored, abandoned and neglected, Jack swiftly decides. “Alex is gone, Cerys. They’re all gone. He shot them, before killing himself. So I reckon we find you two beds in the dorms. Then, later, new year, new century, new start. New Torchwood.”
And if he thinks they’re up to it, he’ll go steal, bring back, and then retcon, a doc and a shrink. Because this is way beyond battle-scarred soldiers, this is something far worse.
These are mentally-scarred, Rift ravaged civilians.
But maybe, between them, they can all help keep each other mostly sane.