Torchwood - fic - Pounced On, Dr Penny White (OFC)/alien, Jack/Penny/alien, NC-17/18

Mar 07, 2009 03:05

Thanks to 51stcenturyfox and these pictures of the lovely Ms Anderson, Dr Penny White, one of my Torchwood Girls, gets some silly tentacle!porn. And Jack XD

Title - Pounced On
Author - laurab1
Pairings - Dr Penny White (OFC)/alien, Jack/Penny/alien
Rating/Warning - NC-17/18, slightly dubious consent
Length - 400 words
Spoilers - general series
Summary - The fact that she’d been at Torchwood for five years before this happened surprised Dr Penny White.
Disclaimer - alas, Jack is not mine, but the 'verse, Penny and the alien are
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Pounced On
by Laura

Torchwood Hub, Cardiff, 1919

It was going to happen, one day, Dr Penny White considered. This was Torchwood, after all. However, the fact that she’d been an officer of the Crown for five years before this happened still surprised her.

Jack had been right to bring this man in for questioning, even if he had mostly been going on a hunch. He’d charged her with fetching the man for the interview, but she was currently leaning against the wall of a prison cell, because the man wasn’t a man, he was a shape-shifting alien, whose true form bore a significant resemblance to Earth’s cephalopods.

Jack had regaled them with stories, on more than one occasion, but Penny was still amazed at how arousing the sensation of tentacles under her blouse, stroking over her bare back was. The tentacles moved; tips caressing her front, reaching inside her bra, Penny briefly closed her eyes. She might even have sighed in pleasure.

The interview could most definitely wait.

Or maybe not, as she then heard, “Penny! Are you bringing me our latest houseguest, or not?” and Jack stalked into sight. “Whoa!” he exclaimed, at what he was greeted by. Then his face became naughty, as he asked, one eyebrow raised, “Getting started without me, I see?”

“Indeed, Captain,” she breathed, matching his expression. “I was rather pounced on, it has to be said.”

“Not complaining, though, Dr White, I guess?” he asked, walking into the cell. He approached her, and unbuttoning it, slipped his hand inside her blouse, traced a couple fingers over her front along the same path as one of the tentacles.

“Good God, no, Jack,” Penny replied, enjoying the sensation of alien muscle and human hands. Somehow, she managed to briefly look him in the eye. “This is… delightful, and was bound to happen, eventually.”

“Told you,” Jack said, grinning very wickedly.

“You did,” she confirmed, with her own wide smile.

Impulsively, Penny moved her head, and kissed Jack, partly to surprise him, and partly because she needed to do something with this energy. He kissed her back, and they were both stroked, caressed, wrapped up by the alien tentacles. The interview was put off for quite a while longer, as this was considerably more fun.

Later, one tentacle was pushed inside her, rubbing, pleasuring, and the constellation of Orion had never looked as pretty as it did when Penny, moaning, closed her eyes.



torchwood girls fic completed

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