Title - And Now These Three Remain
Author -
laurab1Characters/pairing - Jack/Martha, Ten
Rating - PG
Length - 506 words
Spoilers - DW: to 3.12 TSOD, TW: 2.9 Something Borrowed, 2.12 Fragments
Summary - originally written for
bringthehappy’s Happyfest II, with the prompt of “hope”; that version is
hereDisclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
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Comments 10
Also, if you're interested, I finished my WWI fic:
Here we are, then. 36,200 words later, the pre war, war time and post war narrative of The Torchwood Girls is finished.
Fandoms - Torchwood/Dr Who/Pat Barker’s Regeneration
Title - The Torchwood Girls, Parts 1 to 20 and an epilogue
Author - laurab1Characters - Jack, TARDIS, Ten (as John Smith and the Doctor), Martha, The Family of Blood, Joan Redfern, Tim Latimer, Nine, Rose, Harriet Derbyshire, Tommy Brockless, Toshiko Sato, Alice Guppy, Emily Holroyd, OMCs, OFCs ( ... )
Read it, if you want. I think I mostly tried to be historical rather than political, on that score, but please do tell me if I didn't do that :/
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