tardis_bigbang art finished and submitted! Yay! :)
Nine/Rose/Jack happy!fic nearly done :)
And I just broke Jack, in the next bit of "The Torchwood Girls" (estimated length of the completed story is now 27,000 words):(
He and Rivers have been talking about Jack's first encounter with Louise Burns, my Red Cross volunteer OFC:
“Do you employ random strangers on a regular basis, Jack?”
“I guess I do, doctor. When I spot them, I commandeer the ones who aren’t gonna...” ...freak out when the Rift’s wide open and they’re being shot at by hostile aliens; when the world’s going to hell. Yeah. Which is just what he’s done.
Jack suddenly feels terribly guilty, and so incredibly sad. He’s let everyone down. The tears come, at long last, and he just lets them fall.