Doctor Who - fic - Lights Will Guide You Home, Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS, PG

Oct 17, 2007 02:30

Series - Better With Four
Title - Lights Will Guide You Home
Author - laurab1
Rating - PG
Foursome - Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS
Length - 475 words
Summary - “If you’re quite finished, y’could come an’ see how see how she works, Captain.”
Spoilers - 1.9/10 TEC/TDD
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Here, and over on Teaspoon, I’ve put my Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS (and any combination thereof) fics together, under the series title of Better With Four. This story comes straight after Flexible Dancer.

And it's in Nine's POV.

Flexible Dancer (Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS, 12/PG-13, porn-ish)
Faith (Nine/Jack/TARDIS, PG)
Bigger on the Inside (Nine/Rose/Jack, PG)

end of Flexible Dancer:

...“You’ve only been here ten minutes, and you’ve already worked it all out, got her eating out of your hand...” As she returns her gaze to him, he can see she’s not exactly surprised. “The TARDIS is more than just a ship, Jack. She’s alive, she’s beautiful, she’s in your head,” Rose says happily.

“And she’s mine,” the Doctor says, coming back to them. “Didn’t I tell you not to flirt with my ship, Captain?”

“Didn’t say I couldn’t do anything else with her, though,” Jack says, with a naughty smile.

The Doctor rolls his eyes at him. “Just stop it, you lot.”

“Yes, sir,” Jack and Rose both say, grinning at him.

With another pulse from the TARDIS, Jack strokes her again, revising his “both” to “all three.”


Lights Will Guide You Home
by Laura

They all dance some more. While they do, the Doctor considers their new companion.

Captain Jack Harkness is a huge flirt, but he’s not as flash as he makes out, that’s for sure. He does have a heart, but it’s not working quite right. Those two missing years could be asking for all kinds of trouble, which Jack knows.

Flirting’s what he’s doing right this minute, with Rose, making her laugh. Her and her boyfriends; it’s all her fault that Jack’s on the ship.


He deserves the benefit of the doubt, at least. “If you’re quite finished, y’could come an’ see how see how she works, Captain,” the Doctor says, walking up to them. “Well, tries to work.”

“Really?” Jack meets his manic grin with a too bright smile.

What’s Jack seen? What did he do, to have his memories removed? Battle-scarred, the pair of them, the Doctor knows that much. He quickly pushes that line of thought away with, “Yes, really. Y’comin’, then?”

Jack makes a move to sling an arm over his shoulders, but aborts it at the last second, still unsure. Instead, he just says, “Yes, sir. Rose? You coming as well?”

“I’ll jus’ watch, Jack,” she replies, grinning.

“OK, ma’am. Lead the way, Doctor.”

They walk over to the console. “TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, Captain,” he explains. “That’s the time rotor in the middle.”

Jack looks over the console and says, “Bit of a junk shop, Doctor.”

The Doctor glares at him. “An’ your ship was any better, Captain?”

Jack smiles back. “No, sir, of course not. I’m just teasing. She’s beautiful. Go on.”

Then it’s all old controls and dimensional stabilisers and rooms appearing when they’re needed. Jack smiles at his explanations and asks the occasional question.

“You love her, don’t you?” he asks, when the Doctor’s finished.

Jack’s an expert at love, that at least is completely obvious. “Yeah. Best ship in the universe, my girl.”

“Like I said, she’s beautiful, all those sweeping curves.”

“An’ like I said, she’s mine, Captain.” He is still trying too hard to impress, but maybe the Doctor and his one constant companion could help with that... “Put your hands on the console, Captain. Just feel her, this time. No flirting!”

Jack does as asked; the Doctor watches his eyes close and different kind of smile appear on his lips. His smile soon changes to the wicked one he’s more fond of, and at the same time, the Doctor feels something equally wicked from his ship.

That was her! She made the move, that time. He mentally scolds her, and she mentally sticks her tongue out at him.

Well, life was certainly going to be interesting with Jack on board.

And with any luck, between the four of them, they might even fix the Captain’s broken bits.


Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
“Fix You”, Coldplay

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