Title - Artemis
Author -
laurab1Rating - 12
Characters/Pairings - Jack/Martha, TW3
Length - 590 words
Summary - “I missed you, too. Tour. Show me your lair,” Martha replies.
Spoilers - Everything Changes, Ghost Machine, Blink to The Last of the Time Lords, Torchwood S2
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
by Laura
Martha receives an email, offering her a job, when she’s passed her exams, and is on the way to calling herself Dr Jones.
She checks it several times, making sure it is real. Then she calls Jack to say, “Yes, Captain. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Martha Jones.”
Martha can tell by the sound of his voice that he’s smiling that really naughty smile of his. She even gets another, “Ma’am.” She can hear the accompanying wink, too.
She’s happy. Jack makes her feel warm, he makes her feel good.
And then Martha gets a hug and a kiss when she arrives on his doorstep.
With tongue.
“I missed you,” Jack says, by way of explanation, in his office. “Tour?”
“I missed you, too. Tour. Show me your lair,” Martha replies.
“Lair. I like the sound of that.” Jack holds out his hand to her, smiling wickedly.
Martha takes Jack’s hand. Then he goes and raises it to his lips, giving her yet another kiss.
“Stop it!” she says, laughing.
“Never gonna happen. Not while there’s pretty people around. C’mon, let’s go.”
Having met Ianto (archivist, and many, many other things) in the tourist information office, Martha’s then introduced to Tosh (computer genius) and Gwen (ex-police). Owen, Jack’s doctor, is apparently incapacitated, which could mean any number of things.
Then there’s the pet pterodactyl. “Myfanwy,” Jack says.
“You have a dinosaur?” she asks, wide-eyed.
“We have a dinosaur,” he says calmly, like it’s nothing.
OK. “What else do you have, Jack?”
“Plenty,” he says. “There’s our Weevil, down in the cells. They’re aliens. Come through the Rift, live in the sewers. They seem to be telepathic. Her name’s Janet. Wanna see?”
They go and meet Janet. She bares her teeth at something, and Martha’s reminded of the Futurekind. She has to look away. “Jack, can we go, please?”
He gets her discomfort immediately. “Of course, sweetheart.”
They leave Janet in peace.
He takes her to the firing range.
“No, no, no,” she says. “You are not teaching me how to shoot a gun, Jack. I’m a doctor. Well, nearly. Anyway, didn’t we have enough death and destruction last year?” Martha knows she’s speaking far too fast.
Jack understands, thank God, and doesn’t press any further. “OK, but that means you must stay with me, if we take you out in the field.” His expression is very serious.
“I’m not going to complain about that,” she says, watching his face soften.
A thought goes through Martha’s mind. “Any archery equipment in this place?”
“Archery equipment?” Jack raises an eyebrow. “No, but we can get some for tomorrow. What are you planning, soon-to-be-Dr Jones?”
“I’m planning to show you that I can fire an arrow from a recurve bow.”
“Can’t wait to see that,” Jack says, sounding impressed.
The following evening, there are targets, a bow and a quiver of arrows in the firing range. Martha’s arrow lands near the bull's-eye. “The Doctor taught me,” she says.
Jack takes the bow and arrows, and his arrow lands right in the centre of the bulls-eye. “Robin Hood taught me.” He grins.
Martha doesn’t believe a word of that. “Really?”
“Yes, I promise.” He’s still grinning.
“OK.” She drags out the word, all sarcastic.
“May I teach you how to fire a crossbow, Martha?” he asks, exchanging the bow for a fearsome-looking piece of equipment.
“You may, Jack.”
Jack’s constantly caressing her, throughout the lesson.
Martha ends up spending the night in his bed, and she gets absolutely no sleep whatsoever.
It’s wonderful.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis crosspost: