Week...please go fast.

Dec 17, 2006 23:04

I'm so incredibly stuffed. Today was a really good day. Jarrod's grandmother had a little get-together, so we spent the afternoon with his family. Afterwards, we went to the mall, and something came over him...he wanted to look at house stuff. Hmm. So, we went from department store to department store and looked at beds, couches, kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff. At one point I thought to myself, At least he hasn't mentioned curtains yet. - Why that stood out, I don't know...it was the one thing we didn't look at...and how do you really pick curtains for your non-existent house? Then, as if telepathically cued, what does he say? "Let's look at curtains!" - Haha. Then we went and got some dinner...which is why I'm stuffed now. It was a pretty full day. There aren't really any solid plans for the upcoming week. A few tentative things, but that's all. I just hope it goes fast.

I got one of my finals back today. Perfect. I was pretty shocked, to be honest. But obviously I'm not complaining. Who in their right mind complains about an A+? - :) - Jarrod is going to look into going to school. We talked the other night, and he has some big ideas. Re-enlisting is one of them...school is another...security jobs. I just hope he can get something soon...some sort of fill-in job until he figures out what he is going to actually do. He's definitely got the motivation this time around, though, which is a great thing to see. Guess we'll see where that goes.

I think I'm gonna go. I need to start getting to sleep at a better time. I never get enough sleep at night. I can survive on very few hours of sleep, but on average, I only get about six hours every night...sometimes less. I don't know why I go to bed so late...habit, I guess. I should probably break that, so I'm going to try.

And for anyone who cares...I am finally all caught up with Grey's. I'm ready to watch when it comes back on. When is that, anyway? January? Either way...that's kinda' fun, right? - :)

Hope you all had a nice weekend! Bye!

school, sleep, grey's, jarrod, family, jobs

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