(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 13:03

hey !!!!! ok well today is gonna be reallly fun cuz alot of people are gonna go to the concert at auditorium shores and its gonna be freakin awsome and I wont be home till like midnight so that is gonna be sweet

I cleaned my room today and it looks spotless now so thats always a good thing

and my parents are painting their room since me and my brother painted ours they thought that they should do theirs and try and finish it this weekend ( hopefully that will be done since I dont want to sleep on the cot next week
cuz they will be sleeping in my bed since theirs is covered with stuff and the house is really messy cuz they had to put everything in their room in the living room so sorry guys cant have anyone over :-( its ok dont be sad be glad ! it will all be over soon

and then I will have a humungo sleeping party and we will stay up freakin late and watch cool movies and do all that shizit and it will be a blast cuz the house will be freakin awsome !

my dog shadow is being weird hes not acting like himself lately I dont know I wonder why though .......... poor doggy he gets all the love and attention now so I dont know wats wrong but I will get down to the bottom of this mystery !!! Detective WOMAN to the RESQUE !! ( I cant spell resque so dont grade me pleeassssseeeee lol


u never really know how many things u actually have until u take all of them out ................ its so weird I mean I have found so many things I didnt even know I had its like finding treasure in the depths of Cave watatiki ! lol sorry guys my imagination is goin wild !
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