Dog Walk

Mar 12, 2006 09:03

Took Peggy for a walk in the old Gretley Colliery near Glendale TAFE this morning. Lots of changes there. TAFE are expanding their campus, and there were heaps of moving and construction gear sitting around. Further around at the College they've also cleared a huge strip of bush from near the school. There's new BMX tracks there now, to follow.

Pegasus really seemed to enjoy the walk, though he was stuffed by the end of it (plenty of steep hills), and I was really sweaty. I know that if the trip comes off (still no certainty, but if so, I leave Wednesday!) I know he'll be looked after one way or another. If I can't get them kept in my friend's backyard, I'll get an advance from Centrelink on my disability payments, and put him in a kennel while I'm gone.

I was going to stop at a chemist to get some hormones on the way home, but none was open and my car was blowing too much smoke (I put some oil in the engine this morning) so I gave it a miss. Must go shopping tonight. I've been putting off food shopping because, well why buy food if I'm not here to eat it?

rauni, bush walks, pegasus

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