Mystery Chook

Feb 22, 2009 16:53

Michelle happened to mention this morning that there was a red chicken in my front garden. For some reason this totally slipped from my mind. Later today I helped Kevin put a tent in the backyard while next door and earth mover cleared the bush out of the back block, in preparation for a set of flats to be built in a year's time. While that happened George, the loveable boxer owned by the guy who drove the earth mover, came in and played with Bobby and Hallie (mostly Hallie, Bobs kept on growling and chasing him).

Anyway, it was after that, and after lunch that I remembered about the chook. I went out the front, and there it was (still)!


It was pecking around the fence and tree in the front yard. Very hard to get a good shot of it as it kept trying to stay out of sight. It was there for another couple of hours and then disappeared. I threw out some bread for it just in case.

It reminds me of a few years ago now, when Pegasus and I came across a white chook while on a bush walk. We gave chase and were about to capture it when I took pity and dragged Peggy away. For the next six months we'd hear random clucking around that area every time we walked there. Then, we found a pile of white feathers and heard no more clucking.

So it goes. I hope the chook got home ok (wherever that is).
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