Did a strange thing late yesterday - I did a 10 page filler for my web comic page that covered between 18th August and 16th of October. The first page is shown below...
...and you can start reading this at the
18th August page. Part 3 of tales of the galli will be moved/restarted to the
18th October (today - 51 today, 51 today, ta da!). Going to be a funny day to day. It's just gone 1am and I haven't packed for the 24 Hour Comic Day thing. I think I'll just sleep until 5:30am and do it all then (I normally get up between 6am to 6:30am).
Oh, and the background to the filler strip is taken from a photo of a particular geographical location, one that is well known to a certain group of people - can you guess where it is?