Tibetan Personality Test

Oct 29, 2007 20:29

This is a just bit of fluff, just a bit of fun. You might like to take the Tibetan Personality Test online and comment (if you dare!) with your answers. Mine are under the cut below (and yes, I was surprised at the accuracy of the results), but don't peek until you do the test first!

Question 1
  • Sheep (love)
  • Horse (family)
  • Pig (money)
  • Cow (career)
  • Tiger (pride)

Question 2
  • Dog - loyal (my personality)
  • Cat - hunter (partner's personality)
  • Rat - eaten (enemy's personality) ?!
  • Coffee - expensive (how I interpret sex) ?!
  • Sea - pain (implies my own life)

Question 3
  •  Yellow  - Carol, an ex. of mine (someone I will never forget)
  • Orange - Jayne (someone I consider a true friend)
  • Red - BLANK, I couldn't thing of anyone (someone I really love)
  •  White  - Jenny (my twin soul)
  • Green - Kali (someone I will remember for the rest of my life)

Question 4
  • 18 (number of people I'm supposed to send this to, which by doing this post I've done)
  • Monday (when my "wish" will come true - we'll see, won't we?)

...and yes, I was surprised by its accuracy - it was inaccurate many times! Just what does an enemy's personality of "eaten" mean? I don't have a partner, so a personality of "hunter" seems meaningless too. Maybe though, that's why I drew a blank for Red. Hmmm?

Also, I wouldn't worry much about sending emails out in response to Q4 - just post a link in LJ and you'll satisfy any number of forwards (hence the meme tag).

meme, quiz

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